Luciana Gomez interviewed by Cristina Morozzi
Myin is a start-up born in 2020 from the idea of the Italian-Argentine designer Luciana Gomez. Luciana is an active member of the creative team that designed the famous TAG coworking labs of Talent Garden and former founder of Dwellness, a company specializing in functional business environments, paying special attention to sustainability and fostering diversity. The focus on the well-being of individuals applied to the working environment has found in Myin further development. The "interiority design" is the concept that gave life to the project and that completely overturns the point of view on aesthetics and the functionality of furnishing accessories.
Luciana explain to us what "interiority design" means?
Space is not a place, it's an experience. And we have to decide how to share it with others. A piece of furnituren is a part of us. It is one of the many pieces of the puzzle that makes up our character and our interiority. In this sense, it is intimate and should not be immediately exposed but rather revealed as a gift to those we choose. The moment of openness to others, of unveiling, therefore plays a fundamental role. Myin is the name that summarizes this approach: it means at the same time my interiority and my interior design.
The exterior is extremely clean and essential, the interior instead is characterized by an explosion of creativity that becomes the representation of the interiority of those who own it through the possibility of customization.
Did home offices affect the way in which environments are conceived?
It's an impulse that will not stop with the reopening of companies. Customs clearance and overcoming mistrust – extreme in Italy – was perhaps one of the few positive aspects of this situation. However, the time has come to make our homes ready, even in those contexts where the available space prevents us from creating ad hoc environments.
I used my talent garden coworking experience to elaborate some guidelines, which led to the conception of a smart workstation, that can be placed in a living environment, transforming it into a multifunctional and harmonious space.
Working from home does not mean forgetting the rules of ergonomics. Therefore, it is vital to respect and protect the relationship and interaction between people and the furnishing elements.
Workstations must not "invade" homes, distorting their characteristics and putting functional needs first at the expense of the most intimate and personal ones. Integration into private environments must be harmonious and in line with the style of housing.
It shall offer the opportunity to express its interiority.
What will the living spaces look like shortly?
In the lockdown phase, houses have become, thanks to technology's support, also the only place of socialization. Brunches, aperitifs, family gatherings, even streaming birthday parties: despite being far away, people have also found a way to feel close.
It will take some time to return to live social spaces as we used to know them. For this reason, the social role of the house will likely continue to be prevalent.
The possibility of managing the moment of "openness to others", as conceived by the approach based on the design of interiority, is particularly suited to this need.
Once again, spaces are conceived in a multifunctional way: through furnishing elements, the same room can serve various purposes.